Business and Commercial Law
When asked "what kind of lawyer are you," I most often respond that I am a commercial and business attorney. While practicing business law is not the only area of my work, the largest portion of my legal practice is devoted to representing businesses and commercial interests - from manufacturing concerns, sales and service companies, individuals and entities offering products and services via web, those selling in retail stores or wholesale facilities, companies engaged in financial and/or real estate transactions, to other businesses engaged in a various areas of commerce.
Whatever the form or type business engaged in by my clients, I am committed to providing solid, practical, affordable and accurate legal representation. While knowing the law and the legal aspects of my client's concerns is of great importance to both of us, being able to provide practical solutions, ideas and advice as it relates to my client's daily operations, and at a reasonable cost, is also one of my greatest strengths.
From my western Summit County, Ohio, offices, I provide legal services in a variety of areas:
* Transactional work (drafting contracts, agreements, real estate documents, etc.)
* Employment litigation and dispute resolution
* Employment relations, policies, and regulatory practice
* Covenants not to compete and trade secrets
* Business operation consultation
* Employee discipline and termination, and other human resource consulting
* Employment policies and manuals
* Equal Employment Opportunity, FMLA, Wage and Hour/Fair Labor Standards Act issues
* Bankruptcy - both debtor representation and creditors' rights litigation
* Business and commercial litigation and dispute resolution
* Real estate issues, including sales and dispositions, and leasing
* Commercial finance
* Foreclosure and work-outs
* Business asset purchases and sales
* Commercial collections